Bair Hugger Warming Blanket

The 3M Bair Hugger normothermia system is a forced-air warming blanket designed to prevent hypothermia and keep patients at a normal core body temperature during surgery. However, many patients have reported suffering infections caused by Bair Hugger blankets that led to additional surgeries, amputations or death.

Additionally, many patients allege Bair Hugger manufacturer 3M knew of the risks associated with the device but failed to adequately warn patients and the medical community.

This has resulted in numerous Bair Hugger lawsuits being filed by patients who suffered serious infections after using the defective medical device. If you or someone you love developed an infection or experienced another type of adverse health event related to a Bair Hugger warming blanket, contact Roden Law’s accomplished class action attorneys to discuss your legal options. We will provide you with a free, no obligation consultation to discuss your claim and help you determine if you may be entitled to file a Bair Hugger lawsuit. All of our services are provided at no upfront cost and we only require payment if we recover compensation for your claim.

Call 1-844-RESULTS for qualified legal help with your claim.

Bair Hugger Warming Blanket Infections

The Bair Hugger normothermia system uses forced air to keep patients warm during surgery. However, studies have found the device may lift bacteria from underneath the operating table and carry the contaminated air into open surgical wounds.

The system functions by forcing cool sterile air into the warming blanket placed over the patient’s body. When waste heat is expelled from the blanket, it is pushed toward the non-sterile floor, which then rises through convection currents as bacteria-contaminated air. The forced air warming system then takes in the contaminated air, spreading bacteria over the surgical incision.

This has led many to patients suffer deep joint infections after receiving knee, hip and joint replacements, which have a higher risk of contamination than other surgeries. In many cases, these patients required additional surgery and long, painful recoveries that resulted in the removal or replacement of the artificial joint.

Some common signs of an infection include:

  • Swelling in the infected area
  • Warmth and redness around the wound
  • Fatigue
  • Increased pain or stiffness in the affected area
  • Wound drainage
  • Fevers, chills and night sweats

Deep joint infections can result in several long-lasting or permanent medical complications, including:

  • Multiple or prolonged hospital visits
  • Amputation
  • Extensive physical therapy
  • Additional surgeries
  • Increased risk of joint infection
  • Antibiotic treatment

If you believe you suffered a deep joint infection because of a Bair Hugger warmer, contact Roden Law’s defective medical device attorneys to find out if you are entitled to file a Bair Hugger lawsuit.

To get started, complete a Free Case Evaluation form now.

Complications Caused by Bair Hugger Warming Blankets

Although some infections caused by Bair Hugger warming blankets are easily treatable, others can result in potentially life-threatening medical complications.

This includes a bacterial infection called methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which can cause serious medical complications and has grown resistant to many antibiotics. MRSA is difficult to treat and can cause life-threatening complications in a patient’s blood stream, lungs and other organs.

Often, the risk factors for MRSA include:

  • Being hospitalized
  • Living in crowded or unsanitary conditions
  • Living in a long-term care facility
  • Participating in contact sports
  • Having a medical device implanted or used inside the patient’s body

Studies Show Dangers of Bair Hugger Warming Blankets

Since its release in 1987, there have been numerous studies linking Bair Hugger warming blankets to adverse medical complications.

Many studies regarding forced-air warmers, including the Bair Hugger warming system, conclude the device’s design may be structurally flawed and increases the risk of patients developing an infection after open surgery.

In a 2009 study published by Orthopedic Reviews, researchers found the design of forced-air warmers fails to prevent the build-up of internal contamination and may emit airborne contaminates into the operating room.

Additionally, a 2010 study published in the American Journal of Injection Control concluded the design of forced-air warming systems, such as the Bair Hugger, increase the risk of cross-infection by inadequately preventing the buildup of microbial contaminants in the operating room.

Furthermore, researchers found that compared to air-free warming systems, forced-air warming units significantly increased the risk of deep joint infections. The findings, published in a 2011 study in The Bone & Joint Journal, concluded that convection air currents created by the Bair Hugger increased contaminated particle concentration by a factor of 1,000.

In addition to claims made within the medical community that forced-air warming systems are dangerous, the inventor of the Bair Hugger warming system Dr. Scott D. Augustine has campaigned against using the device for certain types of open surgeries. This includes using Bair Hugger warming units during a critical heart valve implantations and joint replacement.

Call 1-844-RESULTS to schedule a free, no obligation consultation.

How Do I Know if I Have a Bair Hugger Lawsuit?

Several patients who underwent surgery where a Bair Hugger warming blanket was used have filed lawsuits against manufacturer 3M. Many victims have claimed the device caused them to develop an infection that resulted in serious medical complications that required expensive treatment.

Additionally, victims also claim that 3M was aware of the increased risk of infection posed by Bair Hugger units and other forced-air warming systems. However, 3M failed to inform the public about these risks or make changes to the Bair Hugger warming system to correct these design flaws.

To find out if you may be entitled to file a Bair Hugger lawsuit, our class action attorneys will review whether the following factors are present in your claim:

  • Did you undergo joint a replacement surgery where a Bair Hugger warmer was used?
  • Did you develop a hospital-acquired deep joint infection within 60 days of the surgery?
  • Did you suffer losses because of a Bair Hugger-acquired infection? This can include extended hospitalization, additional surgeries, experiencing a painful recovery, limb amputation, suffering a disability or requiring physical therapy.

Due to the significant number of Bair Hugger lawsuits filed against 3M, more than 800 lawsuits have been centralized in the Minnesota U.S. District Court as part of a multidistrict litigation (MDL).

If our class action attorneys determine that you have a Bair Hugger lawsuit, we may be able to help you pursue compensation for:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Disability
  • Disfigurement
  • Loss of reputation
  • Loss of enjoyment in life
  • Loss of companionship

Do not hesitate to contact our class action attorneys to schedule a free consultation to find out if you may be entitled to file a Bair Hugger lawsuits against 3M for causing your pain and suffering.

Complete a Free Case Evaluation form if you have a Bair Hugger lawsuit.

Contact Our Class Action Attorneys for a Free Consultation

If you or someone you love developed a severe deep joint infection after undergoing joint replacement surgery where a Bair Hugger warming blanket was used, you may be entitled to compensation through a Bair Hugger lawsuit.

Do not hesitate to contact our class action attorneys to discuss your claim during a free, no obligation consultation. Our class action attorneys are dedicated to protecting the rights of patients injured by defective medical devices. We have the skills and resources you need to hold a large medical device corporation liable for its negligence.

All of our services are provided on a contingency fee basis. This means we will work on your case for no upfront legal fees and only accept payment if we help you obtain the compensation you need to recover.