Can You Spot Distracted Drivers in Savannah? 10 Signs to Know

Do you know how to spot a distracted driver? Distracted driving is a leading cause of traffic accidents in Georgia and across the country. Drivers distracted by cellphones and other activities cause over 3,000 deaths in the US each year, and hundreds of thousands more injuries.

In this article, Roden Law talks about the dangers of distracted driving, and what Georgia laws have to say about this type of reckless driving behavior. We also share 10 warning signs for helping you quickly spot a distracted driver. Recognizing distracted drivers and avoiding them can help to keep you and your loved ones safer on the road.

Need to speak with an experienced car crash lawyer in Savannah? We are here to help, and your initial consultation is completely free.

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How Dangerous Is Distracted Driving in Savannah?

female putting on make-up while drivingDistracted driving continues to be a leading cause of serious car crashes across the country. In Savannah, also, the city has seen a rise in distracted driving crashes due to individuals engaging in these and other behaviors behind the wheel:

  • Texting and driving
  • Taking videos or selfies
  • Doing hair, make-up or other types of grooming
  • Arguing with passengers
  • Tending to children in the backseat
  • Fiddling with GPS, music controls and other technology
  • Eating and/or drinking
  • Picking things up off the floor or from the backseat
  • And more

Nationwide, as well as in Savannah, distracted driving accidents claim thousands of lives annually.

Certain areas of Savannah, including the city’s historic streets and busy tourist areas, are high-risk areas. Areas like River Street and Forsyth Park are especially popular, making them high-risk areas for distracted driving crashes with pedestrians, cyclists and other vehicles in the area.

What Does Georgia Law Say About Distracted Driving?

Georgia takes a strong stance against distracted driving. The Hands-Free Georgia Act, which went into effect on July 1, 2018, prohibits drivers from holding or supporting a wireless device while driving.

More specifically, under Georgia law, drivers are banned from:

  • Holding or supporting a phone while driving
  • Reading, writing, or sending text-based communications
  • Watching videos or movies other than navigation displays
  • Recording or broadcasting video

Drivers who violate the law can expect to be fined and have points added to their driver’s licenses. First-time offenders face a $50 fine and one point on their license. Penalties increase for subsequent offenses.

What If a Distracted Driver Causes Serious or Fatal Injuries?

In Georgia, drivers who cause harm due to distracted driving can face severe penalties, including possible jail time. The consequences depend on the severity of the incident:

  • Crashes Resulting in Severe Injuries: The at-fault driver may be charged with “Serious Injury by Vehicle,” a felony offense in Georgia. Drivers facing this charge face fines, two to 15 years in prison and the suspension of their license.
  • Distracted Driving Crashes With Fatalities: If a distracted driver causes a crash resulting in fatal injuries, that individual might face charges of “Vehicular Homicide,” also a felony. First-degree vehicular homicide can lead to three to 15 years in prison.
  • Additional Legal Charges: Depending on the circumstances, distracted drivers might also face charges like reckless driving or violating the Hands-Free Georgia Act.
  • Civil Liability: Besides criminal charges, at-fault drivers can be sued in civil court for the victim’s damages.
  • Insurance Consequences: Convicted drivers are also likely to see significantly higher insurance premiums or policy cancellations

What 10 Warning Signs Could Help You Avoid a Distracted Driver?

Spotting a distracted driver is not as hard as you might think. Remember these 10 warning signs to help alert you that a driver may be driving while distracted.

1. Erratic Speed Changes

Watch for vehicles that seem unable to maintain a steady speed in normal traffic. These drivers may speed up or slow down without apparent reason.

2. Weaving or Lane Drifting

Drivers texting, picking something up, looking in the back seat or engaging in other distracted behaviors may frequently drift out of their lanes and then suddenly correct.

3. Delayed Reactions to Traffic Signals

Be wary of drivers who brake suddenly at yellow lights they should have anticipated, jump red lights or are slow to move forward after a green light.

4. The “Head Tilt” of Cell Phone Use

Drivers using handheld phones often tilt their heads to hold the device. This distinct posture is a clear sign of distraction.

5. Visible Multi-Tasking Behind the Wheel

If you see a driver eating, applying makeup, or engaging in other non-driving activities, they are not fully focused on the road.

6. Frequent and Unnecessary Braking

Distracted drivers may not be focused on properly anticipating traffic flow, causing them to brake more often than necessary.

7. Inconsistent Use of Turn Signals

A distracted driver may forget to use turn signals. Or they might leave them on long after completing a turn.

8. Lack of Awareness of Surroundings

Watch for drivers who seem oblivious to merging traffic, pedestrians or cyclists. They may be distracted by something inside their vehicle.

9. Near Misses with Other Vehicles or Objects

If you see a driver narrowly avoiding collisions with other cars, curbs, or road signs, they’re likely not giving the road their full attention.

10. Extended Eye Contact Away from the Road

A driver who repeatedly looks away from the road is dangerously distracted. They might be glancing at their lap where a phone could be hidden.

What Should I Do If I Spot a Distracted Driver?

It can be nerve-wracking to be driving near another driver who seems obviously distracted. You cannot control this other driver’s actions, but there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of being involved in a crash with a distracted driver.

Always make safety your priority. The temptation is to get angry or honk at these individuals, especially if they come too close to your vehicle. However, that response could quickly cause matters to escalate, potentially to road rage or increasing the risk of a crash.

Better steps to take include remaining calm and doing the following:

  • Create distance: Increase the space between your vehicle and the distracted driver. This gives you more time to react if they make sudden moves.
  • Change lanes: If possible, safely move to a different lane to avoid being near the distracted driver.
  • Do not engage: Avoid honking, gesturing or trying to get the driver’s attention. This could escalate the situation and further distract them.
  • Be predictable: Drive steadily and use your signals clearly. This helps the distracted driver (and others) anticipate your movements.

If the driver’s behavior seems particularly dangerous, consider finding a place to safely pull over.

Once stopped, you might choose to report the driver to local law enforcement. Provide details like the vehicle description, license plate number and location.

Never put yourself, your passengers or others round you at risk trying to document or confront a distracted driver.

How Our Trusted Law Firm Helps Victims Injured in Distracted Driving Cases

After being injured in any motor vehicle accident, protecting your health and getting the treatment you need is the most important step. However, you cannot ignore seeking legal help if you are hoping to recover compensation for your medical costs, pain and suffering, physical therapy and other losses.

This is where hiring Roden Law, an experienced and trusted law firm in Savannah, can greatly benefit you and your claim. Our job is to protect your legal interests, fighting to get you the maximum possible compensation so you are not stuck paying for damages out of your own pocket.

Our firm helps injured victims every day, something we have been proudly doing for decades. Contact our law offices today to get started. Deadlines apply in Georgia, and if you wait too long to call an attorney, you could end up being barred from any recovery.

There are no upfront costs if we represent you, so there is no risk to you.

Call Roden Law today. Your Savannah injury lawyers.1-844-RESULTS.