What Are the Most Dangerous Intersections in Savannah?

Intersection lighjtCar accidents can happen anywhere, at any time. Negligence may be the main cause of these accidents. However, statistics show that there are some roads that are more dangerous than others. Below, you can learn more about some of the riskiest intersections in the Savannah area and what makes them so prone to accidents.

If you or a loved one suffered injury because of an accident in a dangerous intersection, it is important to contact a knowledgeable Savannah car accident lawyer at Roden Law for help with your claim. We can build a strong case that accounts for all of the damages you suffered.

Hazardous Intersections

There are four intersections in the Savannah area that are more susceptible to accidents than other area. These include the following:

White Bluff and Abercorn

The intersection at White Bluff and Abercorn had the most car accidents of any intersection in 2017. This intersection also had the highest number of accidents that involved trips to the hospital. There are major shopping centers at all four corners of this intersection and there is a lot of merging – these are two of the main reasons this intersection is so dangerous.

Chatham Parkway and Interstate 16

The Interstate 16 intersection with Chatham Parkway is also known as the Devil’s Highway because of the high number of fatal collisions. The main problems with this intersection are its design and the fact it cannot handle traffic increases. There are more than 25,000 vehicles that pass through this intersection each day, which also increases the chances of a dangerous crash. The Georgia Department of Transportation plans on extending the highway to six lanes to help reduce congestion.

King George and Abercorn

King George and Abercorn had the third-highest number of intersection accidents in 2017. Many accidents at this intersection resulted in severe personal injuries.

Lynes Parkway

The Lynes Parkway intersection is considered dangerous because of the large number of vehicles that crowd the road and drive over the speed limit.  There have also been accidents when drivers are getting on or off the parkway. While the Georgia Department of Transportation was aware of obvious issues with the road in 2013, nothing was done to fix it.

Risk Factors for Crashes

These intersections are unsafe because of the high amount of traffic. You might think that rush hour in the morning is the most dangerous time to be on the road, but nearly half of the wrecks happened during noon to 6 PM when most people are heading home from school or work.

If you need to use these intersections, you should make sure to drive defensively. This means not speeding, tailgating other cars, or making reckless maneuvers.

Contact Our Attorneys for Help Today

When you or a loved one becomes a victim of a car crash at a dangerous intersection in Savannah, it is important to contact an experienced lawyer. The attorneys at Roden Law offer a free review of your case, which allows us to learn more about your claim and determine if you have an actionable case against another driver.

We work on a contingency fee basis. You will only receive a bill for our services if we help you achieve a successful outcome.