4 Dangerous Types of Construction Accidents

construction helmet and glovesThe construction industry is one of the most dangerous occupations for workers in the U.S., resulting in approximately one out of every five work-related deaths in 2016, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

However, the majority of work-related injuries and fatalities in the construction industry occur in four common types of accidents. Below, Roden Law’s Macon construction accident attorneys discuss these types of accidents and how to avoid being injured on a construction site.

If you or someone you love has been injured in a construction accident, contact us to schedule a free, no obligation consultation. We will review your claim and help you determine if you have a case that entitles you to compensation for your injuries and financial losses.

1. Falls

In 2016, fall accidents accounted for more than one-third of employee deaths that occurred in the construction industry, according to OSHA.

Fall accidents may occur when a worker is using an unsecured ladder, working from elevated heights without proper safety equipment or walking on faulty scaffolding.

When a worker is involved in a fall accident, he or she may be at risk of suffering the following types of injuries:

  • Head injuries
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Back and neck injuries
  • Fractured or sprained bones
  • Internal bleeding
  • Heavy bruising

2. Struck By Object

Another leading cause of construction accident injuries or deaths occurs when workers are struck by an object. According to OSHA, approximately one in ten workers were injured in struck-by accidents in 2016.

Often, construction workers are unaware of falling objects or are unable to react to the hazard, leaving them with little time to protect themselves or reach safety. This often results in serious, life-threatening injuries such as:

  • Crush injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Head and neck injuries
  • Lacerations
  • Heavy bruising
  • Fractures

Construction workers may be at a high risk of being struck by an object if their employer does not install proper safety measures in worksites, such as netting or warning signs. Additionally, construction workers should wear high-visibility clothing when near equipment and tools to alert others of their presence.

3. Caught In/ Between

Employees working around heavy equipment or machinery may become caught in or between the machines, resulting in serious injury or death. These accidents also involve workers being struck by falling objects or being trapped underneath something.

The injuries suffered may include damage to the bones, crushed body parts and severe lacerations that may sever arteries or a limb. Victims of these accidents may lose a part of their bodies or could suffer from extended trauma. These victims often require therapy for the emotional and psychological trauma from the accident.

Employers can help prevent these caught in or between object injuries by taking the following safety measures:

  • Limiting access to the entrance to an unprotected trench or excavation
  • Staying away from deeper areas without a protective system in place
  • Ensuring the employee wears highly-visible clothing
  • Keeping employees away from areas between moving machines

4. Electrocutions

Many construction workers are forced to work around dangerous electrical equipment and wires, increasing the risk of electrocutions.

The most common electrical hazards found on construction sites include:

  • Loose or broken wiring
  • Lighting systems
  • Faulty or broken equipment and machinery
  • Loose or broken wiring
  • Power tools
  • Direct contact with a power line

Construction workers are often electrocuted due to improper use of electrical conduits, electrical tools, extension cords and other electrically-powered tools.

Contact Our Attorneys

To ensure workers are safe from hazards located on a construction site, employers are required to follow OSHA’s strict guidelines for creating a safe work environment.

When an employer’s failure to uphold its obligation results in a construction worker’s injury, it is important that he or she contact an experienced attorney to learn his or her rights.

At Roden Law, we have helped numerous people injured in construction accidents obtain the justice and compensation they deserve. Schedule a free, no obligation consultation to find out if you have a case against the party at fault for your construction accident injury. All of our services are provided on a contingency fee basis, which means you only have to pay us if we recover compensation for your claim.